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To my eyes this is the Cornish equivalent to the twelve apostles in Australia. Both have an epic pull on sightseers and artists of all formats for good reason. But I truthfully believe Bedruthan steps is more dramatic then our Aussie counterpart. The 142 steep steps required to access the beach are often mistaken for its naming. But the legend has it that a mythological giant called 'Bedruthan' used the rocks stacks on the beach as stepping stones, hence the name Bedruthan Steps. The site is of Special Scientific Interest, designated for its geological and biological interest and is noted for its slates from the Lower Devonian period, various mosses and beetles.

On this summer’s evening the tide was flowing fast and before I knew it had to retreat to the cliff top and make a photograph into the setting sun. This is pretty much asking for a battle with light. But thanks to Atmospheric refraction there is a few minutes were I was able to record the final moments as the sun sunk into the north Atlantic. Atmospheric refraction in short causes a mirage of the sun. The sun has settled when the lower tip hits the horizon, for the rest of duration it’s all a mirage. As usual with this style of photograph it was a matter of timing, too soon and I would have uncontrollable light boring into my optics causing all sorts of problems like flare and burnt out highlights, too late and the impact of the photograph would be lost.

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