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St Michael's Mount is a tidal island located 366 metres off the Mount's Bay coast of Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is a civil parish and is united with the town of Marazion by a man-made causeway of granite setts, passable between mid-tide and low water. Still home to the St Aubyn family as well as a small community, this iconic rocky island is crowned by a medieval church and castle - with the oldest buildings dating from the 12th century.

Every march the family end up down in St Ives for the weekend in a little cottage on the harbour. St Ives in march has to be the best time of year to visit, its cold no two ways about that, but there's hardly anyone around, its so sleepy. And as Kara says waking up to the sound of seagulls is a joy, I feel like a harbour master down here, prowling around in the wee hours.

On a dull Saturday morning, I made the drive over to St Michael's Mount. After an hour of looking to make something unique on this really familiar scene I stumbled over this triangle rock echoing the mount itself. After finishing composing the frame and setting the camera the sun made an appearance over the cloud bank to east freshy side lighting the scene. Nice when it all falls into place like this. It’s only when I got home and had the photo at 100% that I noticed the sand is in flawless triangles as well as the limpets on the rock and the clouds in the sky. How I missed the clouds at the time is beyond me, probably thinking of buying some croissants on the way back to St Ives.

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