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This snowstorm presented a rare scene for those wanting to experience Dartmoor from another age. Some friends and myself made our way up in the late afternoon for some sledging and of course the camera came along too. We settled on the slopes of the distance tor although the photo I was after was a 15-20 minute walk away, which would normally take 5 in fair conditions. After the frantic, lung pounding stomp through knee deep snow I settled on the much photographed single tree and rock that lay nearby to this scene. A few moments were spent trying to expose with the setting sun blasting full bore into my lens. I glanced to my left and saw this photograph perfectly side lit with the last warm rays; it was at this moment where I learnt to work with the light and not fight it.

As I stood there in the fading glow, soaking up the cold and eerie silence, it dawned on me that I was feeling slightly isolated. A misleading emotion, considering the closest town is less than 4 miles from this patch of timeless moorland. 

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